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Sunday, August 31, 2008 . 1:53 AM

I chiong the certs for all the band member now! and tml(today) i have a course in the afternoon. sleepy.zzz

Friday, August 29, 2008 . 6:37 PM

i gimp this picture. posting later

Thursday, August 28, 2008 . 9:56 PM

Your Personality at 35,000 Says...

Deep down, you prefer spending time alone to spending time with others. You enjoy thinking more than talking.

You are not too sure what your place in the world is yet. You often feel invisible in a crowd.

Your gift is dreaming and imagining. You can take yourself to another world anytime you feel like it.

You are inspired by what is possible. Real life is often too ordinary for you.

It's very easy for you to feel happy. You can find peace with any situation.

The Personality Test at 35,000 Feet

Your Animal Personality

Your Power Animal: Deer

Animal You Were in a Past Life: Panda

You are a fun-seeker - an adventurous, risk-taker.

While you are spontaneous, you are not very rational.

The Animal Personality Test

You Have Your Sarcastic Moments

While you're not sarcastic at all times, you definitely have a cynical edge.

In your opinion, not all people are annoying. Some are dead!

And although you do have your genuine moments, you can't help getting your zingers in.

Some people might be a little hurt by your sarcasm, but it's more likely they think you're hilarious.

How Sarcastic Are You?

You Were the All American Kid

Popular but not plastic. Athletic but not a jock. Smart but not a brain.

You were well rounded and well liked in high school.

Who Were You In High School?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 . 10:16 PM

Sians. I was SELECTED to conduct again. i totally screwed it up once again. Mr Kumar said i was rushing, i also think so too. Cause felt off tempo for the 4th count i got lost in the middle of nowhere and conducted for extra 2 bars after it ended. For this time i felt more confident even though i was doing rubbish once again before sir corrected me. Better buck up on my conducting before something more embarrassing happens.
I pon-ed YEAH council stuff today cause i did not want to ruined my 100% attendance with some trivial yeah council stuff. bleh!They miss-called me 6 times and I was suan-ed by the chairman and vice-chairman. But really, i couldn't care less. Worst come to worst i can quit this thing. (Ya, i want to quit is yeah councillors favourite words. This council has been more than 5 occasion where people threaten to quit and 1/2 were sucessfull in quiting. Thus we are left with 5or6 pathetic people.)
I saw the ranks for the band members today. It was based on last year's skills and position.(Treasurer rocks man!). Among all the sec3, Tan Jing Fang is the highest cus she was a section leader last year.Hmm, hope to have this promotion ceremony settled soon.
Holidays are coming, i dont feel excited cus i know i must chiong for all my subjects.
Because i hope to achieve the results for the following subject in the end year exam and use the blue subjects for my L1R5:
higher Chinese-B3
Amaths-B3(hope to get higher grade)

anyways i just recieved some band event pictures. will be posting them soon

Sunday, August 24, 2008 . 8:53 PM

Wah sians. I just realised that i accidentally deleted 5-7 aug's attendance. I dunno whether i still have the slips. i hate the idea of getting it from the sectional leaders because i have been msging the sls for too much stuffs. I feel guilty for msging them so much and nagging at them to do something. SORRY! I will try not to msg them so often from now. I wanna draw and watch ming zhongzhudingwoaini now. I dunnno what to draw though so i jus watch the show. here's a pic i drew in class and coloured it today.
Hmm, i am officially bored again. This bored feel has been making me feel sleepy. Argh. i still got some attendance and some admin stuff to settles. Hope i will be able to finish them fast cause i want to TRY practicing some amaths and finish up some emaths homework. Then i will get a head start for some of the end-of-year topics. I decided that my L1R5 shall include the following subjects:
3)Elementary Mathematics
5)Additional Mathematics/Express Chinese
6) English/ Higher Chinese
But through this latest common test i realised that i am extemely bad at language. i did extremely badly for both subjects. But on the other hand i realise i have an apitude for humanities(does not include literature). Knowing the gay ability of my class, I must work extemely hard to maintain my results and push up all others in order to do well. The common test this time around was HARD, and thus i did badly because i did not put in 200% in my revision.

In conclusion, I must start revision with 205% NOW!

Saturday, August 23, 2008 . 11:08 PM

Band is getting more out of hand as the days pass and I no idea how to get it under control. Attendance is quite bad since there are people who skip band regularly and its a headache on how to get them back. And also the leaders are still not strong even together, there is just something missing. I used to think that all the past SLs were cool and i looked up to them. Now i look at myself plus the rest, i dunno what to think. And if this was bad enough, there something much worst. i shall not comment on it though.

Then, on Friday, the leaders and the 3L1 went on a dragon boating experience. It was FUN! Pity to all the rest of the leaders who decided not to go. During the rowing, i kept spraying water at wenxi(poor him. sorry WenXi), den he kept complaining in that irate behaviour which he seems to have adopted recently. It was raining at that point of time, we were wet because the guy keeps spraying water at us and the wind was freezing. brr..

had a nice dinner today because we were celebrating my grndma's birthday. we ate good food and this durian cake

It was yummy. and i had two slices of it.

i am bored. so here some pictures:

these are the present given to me by yijie, qiu wen and huimin. it is a music notebook, a tuba handphone strap(yes it is a tuba not a euphonium) and a pair of strawberry fork and spoon. I hereby thank them from the bottom of my heart. i am extremely grateful to them for the gifts.

p.s i am sort of revieving my blog. getting swee yee to code a new skin for me.

Friday, August 01, 2008 . 11:25 PM

I am officially BORED again.
have been doing gimp photo editing which i got into the hang of.
stressed out by school life and personal life and all. everything i need to do clashes with my personality. Am being ignored by many people. faced with a multitude of failure tests. random posting. listening to the national athemn and wilber pan's new song in cantonese and chinese.

---- problems are part and parcel of life.
got influence by my zilian frenes. start taking self potrait and.

got back into craze of drawing again. shall scan it tml and edit it before colouring and posting here.


still bored