Monday, October 27, 2008 . 6:11 PM
OMG! O levels is just 1week and 2day and i am slaking away D:and NCO camp is in 1 week, cant wait! the t-shirt looks nice. ahh~ feeling all excited inside. xDD
Monday, October 20, 2008 . 2:40 PM
i just finished 恶作剧2吻! nice nice xDD. invincible shan bao mei stopped at episode 9. sian. gonna watch The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries 黑糖群俠傳. watching and typing at the same time. so exciting.~
Read the rest of the comics at Snafu-Comics
check this comic
Thursday, October 16, 2008 . 6:28 PM
hmm.. finally out the results are out. its too too shabby but not too good either.. I passed everyting though , my physics is 49.5 xDD. the lowest among all.. surprisingly i did well for lit. i didnt memorise quotation and anyhow spammed quotes. i did better for unseen though cause Personal response is the best! My L1R4 is freaking 11marks and L1R5 is 14 and thats so high! i wanted to achieved a 10. D: Main reason i guess is that was half deciding whether to study or not and didnt work hard enough. ahh~ i pass all this time but with jiayou for the next time de. xDDbreakdown of results:4As,2Bs and 3Cs.. languages:lousy logical subject:lousy personal response and no-brainer subjects: As! xDD I was most dissapointed with my em, i counted 13marks of careless mistake. Gaa~ could hav gotten A1. Must work harder bah..
anyway, this time round, i learnt two things:
1)too much careless mistakes
2) must count your marks(i got 3 scripts with wrongly calculated marks(teachers are so poor things, to mark so many papers and count the marks D: ) )
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 . 7:16 PM
Haix just gotten back results today.. Was expecting to fail everything(xD) but i didnt fail so far for today. But cant say so for tml. :( The scores weren't up to expectations, did quite badly i guess.... Gaa~ it gonna get worst for tommorow. I gotten Bs and C for my languages which are really sucky... Chinese-->verbal good, written bad English--> verbal bad, written okayish bad.. D:bad.bad.bad.
I dun care must harder to prove myself wrong! xDD
anyway on a happier note..
YES! NCO camp is coming.. olevels coming too sian
I am so excited to attend this camp.. cant really enjoy myself.. haisx
Monday, October 13, 2008 . 11:37 PM
Wahhh~ i almost jumped while watching e zuo ju 2 wen when xiang qin is trying to escape from the evl agent. that was thrilling.. >.< Haix. 1 more day before exam results are out.. I am filled with anticipation for some subjects and dread for anothers.. Hmm O'level's coming so must ace it and at the same time go for the nco camp. wakaka. (:Sighx gonna fail amaths as usual, got tution for that subject on sat morning. haix.. bored
continuing e zuo ju 2 wen and invincible shan bao mei. :]
Sunday, October 12, 2008 . 9:19 PM
Saturday, October 11, 2008 . 3:51 PM
Yay, eoy are finally over annd o'level is coming.. sian. screwed up the physics,lit and amaths paper.. :( gaa~ forget about the unpleasantness for now bah.. ^^anyway went to watch painted skin with my friends on Friday, after that PHYSICS paper,
The show had zhao wei(who seriously is similar looking to zhou xun and angela zhang),zhou xun, qi yu wu, Donnie ye, Sun Li and chen kun .. I initially thought that the show was going to be a horror film but it turned out to be sad, love story bettwen human and demons. We watching and were being anti-climax during the exciting sceen-we laughed. Although the story line's cliche but it is very nice to watch because its touching and heartwarming. :D But there these gross part where the fox demon removed her human skin to reveals thousands of slithering earthworms(digitally manipulated of course), but still gross. The wife of the soldier was quite pitiful- she had to bear all that pain of the demon had caused her and almost no one would trust her. :( But in the end, she had the happily ever after ending. Then, the pangyong and demonbuster fella was quite cute. they make a cute comical couple. XDD. the fightning was cool, it made me jumpy(like all things exciting).. The demon finally understands true love after chen kun begged her to save his wife for his deaths. she used her spirit to revie everyone except the person who was in the room somewhere else. It was nice.. worth watching to me cause it touching and romantic?
hahas. back to watching They kiss Again(e zuo ju 2 wen) :D