Friday, November 28, 2008 . 3:04 PM
Have this sudden urge to play the following songs:
stars wars
prince of egypt
shall fill the list once i get more urges. Cant wait for band to start so i can raid the library and get the scores. Argh, just rmb, the band library doesnt have these scores. Shall kop from other ppl. :D
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 . 8:34 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2008 . 11:15 AM

beloved instrument.(I love my serial, 120, 99 eupho and 053 marching baritone)
I recently felt in love with wikipedia because of this(click
here for original page):
The euphonium is a conical-bore, baritone -voiced brass instrument. It derives its name from the Greek word euphonos, meaning "beautiful-sounding" or "sweet-voiced" (eu means "well" or "good" and phonium means "voice"). The euphonium is a valved instrument; nearly all current models are piston valved, though rotary valved models do exist.A person who plays euphonium is sometimes called a euphoniumist or a euphonist, while British players often colloquially refer to themselves as euphists. Similarly, the instrument itself is sometimes referred to as eupho or euph.
The euphonium is possibly the least popularly-known Western instrument of all,the euphonium and the baritone are two different instruments. However, the two instruments can be interchanged with no problems whatsoever; the baritone has an identical range but a brighter sound. (Sad :( )
But its ancestor instrument, the serpent, doesnt look very apealling?. Luckily, my marching baritone and Euphoniums does not look like that. hahas
But anyways, The euphonium has historically been and largely still is exclusively a band instrument, whether of the wind or brass variety, where it is frequently featured as a solo instrument. Because of this, the euphonium has been called the "king of band instruments", or the "cello of the band", because of its similarity in timbre and ensemble role to the stringed instrument. Euphoniums typically have extremely important parts in many marches and in brass band music of the British tradition.
wakaka. i am not starting a mass hatred disscussion. If u want anything to blame, blame wiki for letting me see this. hahas
(the above extract is from wikipedia, picture is from google.)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 . 7:50 PM

byebye air rifle range. gonna miss the time where we had practise where it floods, where rained water was sprayed inisde when it rains, the time where i had my first taste of conducting the band. sighs. memories of here shall be kept~

this is the new school. it looks damm cool. lar. we were wowing when we first arrived. As usual we were reminded of our very long school name. (wahsia v hard to say in one breathe)

The new guard post. This must be the best looking guard house in all schools. xDD

A mini tour of the new school. Top left is the building that was beside the bettany home. Top right is the new assembling ground( i guess with the flag poles and such), its where the courtyard used to be. Bottom two is some random building which i took along the way which i cant remenber where. :D
And finally....
TaDa. band room:
I like the tag which says military band. it looks new and cool. xDD We make this the nicest CCA room ever. Notice board would be out there somewhere. So prepare for a lot of hard work publicity. (sorry alvina). The symbolic eagle will be out too!
A picture of us at the room. I am missing cus i went to take photo for them..
Monday, November 17, 2008 . 10:43 PM

I want this. :(
Anw just got the design for the band tee. the logo and eagle was done by cheehui(thanks, cheehui). the logo is hard to do, i tried doing it but gave up and asked him to do it. T_T i am a noob. the eagle looks cool. i love it. hahas. wonder how the t will be like. cant wait for it to be done. and ya if alumni u want just leave a tag. sizes are around 38(s)-44(xL)

Sunday, November 16, 2008 . 7:30 PM -
Online IQ Test
Friday, November 14, 2008 . 11:57 PM
Quote (as taken from Dawn, NCO peep, CHIJ Toa Payoh): Band is so
tiring sometimes I ask myself
why I'm doing this.. But I know in the end it's all
worth it (: Band's
tiring yet
so fufilling..Had this chat with my nco peep, while i am feeling quite down. But when i read what she said,it
revived my band spirit. i was feeling quite down and she just reminded me what was the purpose i hung so tightly to band for. thanks Dawn, i really needed that. I am apoplogising for whatever i done(whether knowingly or unknowingly), i try to change and improve myself. (:
Quote again:
Anyway just have faith in your band and continue to have a passion for band because if even the leader loses his passion for the band, how the members feel right? So must keep persisting okay!
I'm sure all the leaders feel this way sometimes too..
yes, how she is absolutely right, i must not lose my passion and faith and continue persisting

me ad queentown peeps. yuying and gang.
Its officially 1week after nco camp and the pop. I really miss all my friends there, they nicer than ones here anyways. There is a unconfirmed outing today. i wanted to go but, people closer to me are not going, therefore i am not going. And i have practice today at queenstown. Anw the whole thing is messy lar. Anyways, i think i want to organise my own outing on our own. so if any of you to want go just leave a tag or msg me, i see how. maybe we go for a movie, dinner or outing.
I was ps today again.. I dun care about youall liao, you all always make me seem so pathetic but never showing any understanding towards me and my plight. Gonna wash my hands off le. Soon...

the queenstown people are so NICE. the teacher gave me, the westspring(S) and the band lollipops for attending band. The sweet is nice. (: i am glad i came today
on the other hand, bp people are so grr~. they say one and do another.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 . 7:49 PM

I miss our old band uniform. :( I want to wear that black beret with the
yellow feather. that old blackish uniform with black long pants. But i am not hating our white tunic, black pants plus black headgear with that cool eagle either. (: sighx. hate that 0.5 plus that 10 for runing our life. no chance in the future either. and if if we get chance, me and yijie gonna request sashes from our teacher, xDD Hmm. away, its the 5th after nco cmap ended. Having post nco depression and missing it extremely now. No more marching in the sun with slack low hentak. NCO peeps having a outing i think.. Sian. Saving money to attend the tk concert which cause $30 with jiexuan and hwa chong concert. At the same time, hoping to have our very own concert.
Went packing the band room for the shift to the new campus. The teachers treated us to pizzas and drinks but we forgot to thank them. And in the middle of it, it rained heavily and caused the school to flood, covering the bottom of the wheel. I had to miss my lit project meeting because I was waiting for the teacher to print the scores. i made a wish to walk past the band room when waiting and it was granted immediately. xDD i was elated. Anw while outside the band room we saw the sec2 streaming results. there are 3 triple science classes for the 31scholars. And the most of the students took bio(cause i think physics is really hard in our school, thanks to mr seow). surprisingly there were quite a lot of band members in triple sciences(some potential leaders? hahas). I guess the saying is true: MUSIC WILL MAKE YOU SMARTER.
Monday, November 10, 2008 . 9:02 PM
daniel says:
isnt weida tuna?
daniel says:
daniel says:tubo
`-> yӦnG xIaNg:hahas
daniel says:AH
daniel says:tuba
had this nice conersation
(sorry mr daniel.. but i cant resist posing)
The 34th NCO camp is now over. I am missing it already. Marching under the hot sun again like syf and doing cool formation. the only thing i resent is that turning when not moving(including hentak) is by LEFT not right. right turning is retarded and sucky. The command we learnt were different. I think i like display band command/timing better. And we had to swing our arms. i am surprised i din go same hand and same leg considering my coordination problem. the display and mace technique was fun xD. the basic footdrills were kinda(no insults to anyone) boring. I had my o chinese paper on weds. then i ate kfc with jason,yanping,eunice and met up with peisi and before returing to CCAB. i missed my fav display tech and 3/4 of the mace tech. i was totally lost that day. and they choose the parade commander, RSM and such on that day. i was completely oblivious to it til thurs. like i had a chance. (anw, i kept imagining vivien is behind me when i am on the field. SCARY) Anw on the last day we went taking pics with evryone. i regret not taking more pics with the dms because i stayed with the bms but i know none of them. the performance was cool.i almost screwed. i forgot to spin. xDD den on the day itself. we had a visit by the p and vp which was scary. cus yijie and i din expect to meet them. i wasnt exactly the politest person in my state of shock and i was wearing half band u. but it was nice. then when they thanked our school for the sharing of the the japan trip i was extremely proud. but no more except yijie was there to share the joy.CUS none of my friends turned up. in the end, everyone had friends cheering and giving flowers to them. But we had none, so we went packing chairs. then we hung out with daniel and kumar. then we longbang a cab back. We initially wanted to go party with the hwa chong ppl budden tey pungseh us. So we stood there talking for a long time before going back home.
edit: gosh i realised i wore the sash on the wrong side :(

The sacred
white mace. xDD
me and pig
us and our great senior leonard tan. xDD he extremely tall. i see why he was the dm
yijie,me,jiexuan,jiashengthe 2 "buddy" school. yijie was with jiasheng, i was with jiexuan. and jiasheng claims that yijie is a guy cus she doesnt act like a girl. and they are both childish. i saw them raced across the field the other day.(anw i look ugly in the pics)

us and the swiss cottage bm. her uniform is nice. the dm one is also quite nice. (:

Me and teckwhye's bm chang rong. they forced me to smile and make me look retarded. He makes fun of yijie. xDD

hmm. us and tajong katong's dm mingwei. lol he was hentaking in the md in his new *white* shoes and pants and both turned black. (feels sorry for him)

we and bowen bm(i think, cus i was hanging out with all the bm instead of the dms)

me and deyi's bm. didnt get to take a pic with the dm, but he is just like rongjie?

Me and huiting(aka ah lian) from guangyang sec. with her around u can be sure to have lots of "accidents". I was always near her and therefore i had lots of "accident: with her and her mace.[p.s does anyone knows how to rotate this?]

ME and celestine from coral sec. She one of the few thousand people whos says i am blur. i am definitely not a sotong. xDD The people in the background were watching people kapok each other