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Thursday, December 31, 2009 . 12:21 AM

Dedicating this post to the band:

I'm not sure whether if you guys will read this post. Anyway, its heartwarming to you guys are working hard for this competition. I miss my own show(even though the results...) You guys have improved tremendously since the the 1st band comp practice. Yea, from marching to playing, there are commendable improvements in most of you. I have down with you guys for most of the practice and see you improve slowly. But there is still room for more improvement. Jiayou. Work hard get whatever you aim for. Don't let the alumni-s down. :D Will be down one more month with you guys. all the best. (:

making an alumni tee:D

Jade is a great writer. :D

Monday, December 21, 2009 . 3:37 PM

Hmm, its been so long since i posted a proper post. Busy with life and exams(prelims and Os). Life goes on though. O level was fine, i guess, played my way through it. Was psp-ing and facebooking during the examination period. Even went for the nco camp on the second week. My only regret was not being able to participate in the bpmb's 1st concert which was held on the Saturday before the first paper. :/ Then after exams, i pretty much rotted at home. Hah. Went back on almost all the band practices to stone there. urghs. Then went to kl and genting highlands with my parent. Did some shopping and loads of eating. The honeydew sago, hokkien mee was awesome i guess. (: At genting highland, i attempted to play at the theme part. It started raining when I was queueing up for the 1st ride, go-kart. Then the rain stopped, and i played the swing thingy before the rain resumed. hais. what a waste of money. Took the train before having KFC lunch. The rain kept falling endlessly, so I went for a movie: The Christmas Carol. Wanted to watch ninja assassin though. haha. ;D

Hmm, then rot somemore. Went to kl with the band on the 15 Dec. And reached home on the 20th Dec(yesterday, relative to when the post was written) Went for the KLWMBC, the band were good, some had nice tones on the open field and nice looking drills. Colour guards were very cool and exciting to watch when all of them were together. The moving props and dancers were dam nice. haha. (i lazy to substitute nice). The KFC WMBC (name is funny) was a live competition, the band were great there too. It was raining and yet the bands there continued performing. They were extremely disciplined and professional. Kudos to them. (: The drumline battle was fun to watch as the band tried to ko each other and "qiang" each other. People were interested in the Hong Kong girls more than the show. HAHA. :D I think the kldc was quite good, they were enjoying their performance more than the other bands, maybe cause they are not representing any school? They rocked, pity that they didn't win the champion. Bought lots of stuff and food and shirts and bag. Hmm, thats pretty much it, dunno when i will post again. :D

But before i go, ARASHI ROCKS!

Friday, November 27, 2009 . 10:43 PM

Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn. They teach you there's a boundary line to music. But, man, there's no boundary line to art." - Charlie "YardBird" Parker

"There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another." -Frank Zappa

Monday, July 27, 2009 . 7:32 PM

Was watching the music show on tv on sunday night. Even though i dun really like magic but the show enthralled me abit. xP But this week result abit crap out though. there was this young guy whose has potential but got eliminated. I really pitied him la, his performance always quite spectecular, but got unlucky this time round. Then there was this other guy performing, i could see his trick la and he got into the next round. so unfair, he got in cause his performance de transition was better. But the point is i can see his tricks la. The board where he supposedly conjure musical notes were laced with tracing paper like material where he burned it. lols. the black colour was soo visible la. and the changing ball colour was a swap of balls which i saw the swap in his other hand. lols. i feel unjuct for the othrt guy who wsa out. the lady was okish i guess.. lols

Anyways, went to anatomy musesum. was okay i guess, got a goodie bag. lols. the specimens were real life, abit creepy. then there was all the babies who were unfortunately deformed during birth and were exhibited there. hais.
shall go study. 15 days to prelims.
As.i want lots of them

Saturday, July 18, 2009 . 12:53 AM

Arghs. Prelims coming soon. Complusion to do well. at least 6As. lols. For once i started revision early.
Dam h1n1, now concert postponed twice and i cant join it. missing band le. zzz

Sunday, May 31, 2009 . 7:31 PM

Went to NIE concert today. It was great . Daniel warned us about being barbaric in the concert hall. So we didnt scream his, kumar's and firdaus' name. Rofl. And I met some of my NCO peeps and plus all our band's alumni. Saw Xiangling again with the same group of people at the around the same place as last time... I wonder if i would see her again for the third time?
No mood to post;monotone.

Came for alumni band on Saturday. Technically speaking i am in the grey area. I am a current band member and an alumni. (= They were only around 40 alumnis though i expected more to come. The alumni band was good. I feel lke joining the alumni's performance. Should I? hmm? Maybe if i can settle all my current pieces first bah.zz

Euphonist must work hard hor. Chiong sectionals le!
go read through all your scores ok?:D
jiawen come back ok?

Saturday, May 30, 2009 . 12:05 AM

Got back report book today. Ack.! horrible result. ruined by the Bs and the one single failure which was not even tested for common test. :\ I no need to go for DSA already. Considering i failed english. stupid me. Must start working hard le. For band and studies! xDD
(extracted from Ms Chung who says this is what she perceive me to be. So true )

Qiuwen: i think your english should be ok this time (: get an A1 >< or distinction whatever haha ok 40 days left! let's jiayou tgt (:
okok. hahas. jiayou to you too!
Pamela: HEYY TAGGED haha all the best for Chinese O's!! 6 points wooo!~ =)
All the best to you too! i took mine during NCO already! ^^

Monday, May 25, 2009 . 10:53 PM

just finished the band stuff. writing my testimonial now. ^^
Countdown:40 days left.
Studies. Chiong ah. I shall show all of you. In your face

jiawen: have focus on your priorities, which are for now the concert and then your exams! it's one thing to be band-crazy, and another to know when to let things go. JIA YOU. <3>
Its so small. you can see it? haha. lololos. should have disabled right clicks. hmm. haha.okoko. lol i know <3<3>
fengyu: at least there are still other passionate ones? i think u shall kniow what i mean.. all the best ba bro XDfengyu: dun worry. at point to point there are always dropouts. Your passion does not imply other's devotedness to the same thing so sometimes i feel u should let go and look on the brighter side
What talking you>? haha. Nvm thanks anyway.
KALLY: hello ! tagged too (:
Chenfang: Hallo! tagged u back! (;
Đεfógґęsєη†-: Yoyoyo...
kiya: so ur ss how much?kiya: i want to invite chenfang gimme 30 tix
wow. you implying that she takes up 1/10 of the seats alone?23.
Qiuwen: my english even worse.....the whole paper almost all red ink le like he cancelled everything i wrote lol...good luck for the rest (:
Me too. I got marked down for a lot of stuff. argh. jiayou to you too. =D
yanping(:: your phys very strong ah! much better than okay :] jiayou for remaining!
lols.. thanks you too! (:
hayzell: i tink my results are slightly worse den urs
lets fail together again^^ lols

Friday, May 22, 2009 . 10:31 PM

A interesting conversation.:
sighhh. too much liberty lah. the teachers shouldn't have tried to let you guys run the band.
good for you. I couldn't! tried, but couldn't. but in the end didn't give up either one.
but I'm kind of disappointed. not because this is going on. it's because people I knew who loved band now have no motivation, and DON'T CARE!

reflect. think. feel.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 . 8:20 PM

HEADACHE!! extreme throbbing. i think i have migraine

Friday, May 15, 2009 . 3:18 PM

Yay, finally biology paper is over. A chance for me to take a breather before i resume my revision.. Hmm. i managed to screw up all the paper i took this week. :/ I managed to fail the english timed practice letter writing which is included for the progress report. An ugly scar on my report card. Sighs. My emaths was top from the bottom with a super duber high score of 60 marks. D: My chem was a sucky A2. bleh. Physics, Geography and social studies wad okay but could have been better. Hmt got improvement from C to B. haa. Waiting for the remaing 2&a half paper. Amaths,lit and Bio. Hope i pass amaths, ace my bio and 17 for lit which can help me get a for my combined humanities.^^ Hmm. L1R5 10 now. 6 for O. jiayou jiayou (:

Thursday, May 14, 2009 . 9:34 PM

Today was photo taking session, the class boys were crowding at the toilet mirror, inner vanity unleashed. :D As usual we had to line up according to our height. I managed to stay at the back line. yay. haha. This strangely reminds me of NCO camp, where we had to get 142 people to line up according to height and even more strangely, it was done with even more efficiency than my class of 44. >.<>

Anyways. Decipher this if you can. A lion without a pride is a merely a kitten. A eagle without grace is but a crow. The mane can be grown, feather and talons seasoned. But what's gone will never be repaired.

Sunday, May 03, 2009 . 5:00 PM


janice: hungry is nt a crime la!
if you say so...

JIAWEN: oh yes. better do well for the common tests! (though it's not a good gauge for prelims.) what am I saying?? gah. WORK HARD, KAY. =)))
JIAWEN: YX! yay, finally tagging. your darling 120 was MY darling 120! uggg. good to know you're treating it with LOVE! haha. SYF in 5 days! AAAH.
Yes. With lots of care too. :D i just fix 2 of the slide slides. i am trying to fix the remaining one but i need more slide grease. I now trying to find a way to fix the 4th valve. Jiayou for your SYF! You can do it de. (: Anyways. thanks. alumni band recruiting you know?

Monday, April 27, 2009 . 11:21 PM

Was bored today so i went home and took out my euphonium :D My darling 120 <33
Anyway un-stucked my slide today like how jiasheng taught me. thanks :D however the shortest slide was still stuck. Sian-ed. shall try again tomorrow. And try un-stucking my 4th valve and valve cap

Social Studies paper is on Monday. Must work hard. ^^ Jiayou.Jiayou. Working toward my dream JC: Its a secret. :D

i typed 3 times le. stupid blogger. keep deleting my post. zzz lazy to retype

Btw i learnt that: There is no I in team, its just they...

JIAHUI: Hellos relink !! JY for your CT

thanks you too! :D i relink you soon. lazy
ROY: hi yongxiang

Hi Roy!
HUITING ;D: Yohhhhh ! ;D

Yohh! HUITING long time no see le. maybe not so long ago but still long time no see le. ^^ I miss NCO :D
junwei: yay, gd for you, got A1 le. upcomign common test do well too!

ok. thanks. you too ok?
eunice: lol its good that ur instr is clean lol why u wan dirty thg inside?!

i also dunno. lols
janice: i wan go couselling room! i heard got food!

Greedy ah janice.
PEKJEE: dont understand the cheem word ue wrote lol

noob. thats whys your english so bad.
kiya: .

joey.: emo post..

pekjee:PS paste the wrong thing LOL . i having intention to kill sy ;o
i still dont understand why put wrong link.
Elysia: haha! YONGXIANG! JY to you too! whoo! band rocks! =D

thanks. :D band is the best.
Qiuwen: omg the stealth euphonium is veri nice haha (:

10k still not nice they qiao zha liao le. :D
joey.: aiya you know i can never achieve 1700 smses a month TT this month bao already no more sms.

are you sure? lols

Thursday, April 23, 2009 . 3:37 PM

Today is a good day. I should have used a better word, but nice and good is the only way to describe it. Today was not was not extremely good nor was it extremely bad. It was a fine, above average day. I am crapping nonsense but i am still in a jovial mood. (: Got back my EM maths test today, although its only 20/25, it still quite high to me. Then, I got back my EW on caning and the teacher wrote: 'Good! Except for the opening statement'. Rofl at my opening statement which was: caning is a form of capital punishment. Then, I got back my zuo wen which was 'misplaced' my the teacher, the etacher thought that i didn't hand in when i actually did. I got 50/70 for my elearning essay. This is the highes score i have gotten for the past 2 years. lol. enough of random no linkness. i shall go revise for chinese CT tml

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 . 10:20 PM

Well. Its 22049. 3years after the band comp that i never joined.hmm anyway happy remembering the past memories. I for one will remember myself for marching with my right leg and thinking its left.:)

Monday, April 20, 2009 . 5:27 PM

First A1 for amath!! Its only a class test, but i am really happy. Better than my no hope higher chinese.
A very slack day today. English and literature teacher was absent, so we had 2 free periods. Biology was slackish. Was emo-ing about my chinese results to the teacher during higher chinese. She wanted to send me to counseling. Then. Den was talking nonstop and playing with the flower during am. Was lost and got high with Brina during physics timed practice. Brina and yanping were cam-whoring. >.<
must start working hard lers. :D

Sunday, April 19, 2009 . 4:18 PM

I finally brought back my euphonium to give it a bath. I filled my euphonium with water, thinking about the kingdom that was built up by algae, saliva and dead cells. I was hoping that there would be greenish stuff flowing out of the bell when i poured the water out. But apparently the insides of my instrument was quite clean; the water poured out was relatively clear. That was disappointing. Nevertheless, i finally managed to clean it. I was very tempted to pour soap in and make bubbles with my euphonium.(credits to daniel.) Then jiasheng told me how to unstick stucked valves and slide. Apparently i need cloths and pliers plus lots of strength. (Btw. strength=tubist. :D) Gonna try to fix all my valves and slides before I return my instrument. Please let me be successful!
Going off now. I need to do my zuo wen before i top the list on Ms Chung's list once again. (:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 . 9:04 PM

Disappointed. Utterly disappointed.
You broke my heart.
You made your stand and I made mine. We are of opposing sides now. You hate me, I know you do. You hated me from the start. You think i am horrendous. I am not oblivious. Its your choice.

emotional trauma.

Sunday, April 12, 2009 . 12:00 PM

Hey BPMB! Its been so long since band comp. One year has past since band competition 2008. So much memories, so much fun and so much disappointment. I recieved a message from eunice this morning wishing me happy one year anniversary . How i wish that i am able to participate in band comp one more time and work hard with my section with the alumnis coming back to give encouragement. It was one of the best times of my life. I will never ever forget the fun we had under the sun, on the muddy field as a whole section. I will also remenber how the section bonded together as one and causing us to be so close to one another. I will also remenber how everyone was screaming at each other to check our spacing, lines etc. How we slog to perfect our formations; thekite-thebajukurong-thelatern-thehulu-theindianlamp-thediamond. We were dancing at the same time. It was super tiring. I will also never forget how we all tried not the cry when the results were announced. Everyone was so strong, the senior, espically vivien. hais. I also remembered how we finally had our section dinner at long johns with my section plus alumnis. This is a short post. My feelings are indescribable, there are so many things that i want to post but shan't. These memories are best close kept to our hearts.

Friday, April 10, 2009 . 5:41 PM

I want this stealth euphonium!! ahh. Damm nice. It will be better if all black. >.<

Thursday, April 09, 2009 . 3:12 PM

I am irritated lo
I am sure is this how everyone else is feeling :( Gaaa. What elearning and i see so many people wishing happy elearning day. Isit that happy? lols. i wonder.. Hmm. I have like 9 subject worth of homework to complete, including am and em. I accidentally submitted my em quiz only with 2questions done and my chem homework is not visible plus the pe mcq has disappeared le. sian. What is making the day worst that my handphone is being spammed by McDelivery-3 msg in a row and the person who is washing my block today is making a horrible whale like song with his water for the whole afternoon. I am getting a headache and freaking irritated. Elearn day? What rubbish, it should be renamed as stay at home so all the teachers can spam you with homework day(sahsttcsywh day). I am constantly eating throughout this so called sahsttcsywh day. I had breakfast, lunch, white fungus soup, chips, ice cream and more white fugus soup, all in front of my laptop. (: Gaa. so unhealthy..(which reminds me, i am hungry now.) Speaking of food, i just realised how much blackcurrant fruit plus i had for these few days-a lot. The sweets are nice but they make me feel phlegm-y. I think it affected me, my voice became unloud and "teh" during band practice.. E-learning should also be renamed facebook day. Everyone is on facebook throughtout, most anyway. I bet we did more facebook quizzes than we did homework. Gaa. Off to whine at my terrible life of a student and continue to mug. Sian. ^^


kiya: dont' sad.......and im sorry for having ankle socks.i promise it will never happen again!
ok. but the post abit long le ahh. hahas
KALLY: hello, SYF's over for me. you coming our concert ?

Yep.! haha. jiayou on preparations :D
kEng NinG: Ya larh ya larh... -.- I know your standing broad very good larh. >_<"

Obviously! haha (:

Hi ELYSIA! Thanks for tagging (:
wenxi.: sec 2 also got so many jason la..

i only know one. lols(:
Jason sec 2 de: lol wen xi u pro now she du lan ..

Hi? who are you lols.
joey.: what? WHAT?!

nothing. a passing remark (:
wenxi.: joey let down hh..go her blog tag la..

SHIYUN: zzz i mispelt my name
SHIYUN: hellohello. relink me? thnks!
Haha. Ok. i relink you(:
timotheus: YONGXIANG! my SYF's over! haha, thanks for the WELL-WISH anyway! haha, my run was okay! CHEER UP man

I ran too slowly lols. i think i under-exerted myself. lols.
kc: hi bro.

Yo KC! xDD
PEKJEE: Yoo ! link wo leah ! lol ! jy !
HELLO! i think u gave me the wrong link. o.o
jayteeee;: i still owe you egg tarts. (:
jayteeee;: wah, sorry. i promise that i will try to ensure that my shirt is tucked in at all times okay? i'll try.

Are you lols? I dont need egg tarts but good band members.
KALLY: hello you. relax lah, dont sad uh. perhaps hold NCO talk first den band talk yeah (:

Hi KALLY! Thanks. what NCO talk you talking about anyway? hahas
N.DUMBASS -♥: Hahahahhhs, Thanks youuuuuus!
N.DUMBASS -♥: Nicole here, yong xiang, dont sad larhhs!! You are the best BL, so is YiJie so yarhhs, And link me up?
Thanks. i'll link you up soon. your welcomed :D
Jade: Chill, Xiang! blaming yourself wont make it better. Hope things will look up soon. Your band rockssss!
Thanks jade! Yay. co rocks too!
shirin: hey cheer up dude ytd's aladdin is nice! =) the band will get through it soon, don't worry too much.. ur doing fine as a leader (:

Thanks (: I hope so bah.

Friday, March 13, 2009 . 7:42 PM

I am here to rant again, i cant stand it anymore..

Band members are really not behaving like band member anymore. I really don't know what to say and what to do. I am dumbfounded.Nobody gives a dam to the band rules and traditions that have been followed like till recent years. Its all so scary. 40 plus years of tradition broken in just a blink of an eye. Memebers and espcially LEADERS fail to regconise the things we DID that made us different from all the other CCAs. The are not setting a good example. A band member who cannot play but behaves like a band member is better than a band member can play but does not behaves like one. It really takes more than a music playing to make a band members. Maybe i am a bad leader. Lousy person who cant achieve any thing. Resulting in my inability to enforce rules. Maybe i am just too si gu ban bah.. Sighs. This is a disturbing trend is becoming more and more widespread. I am really really scared. I am really tired too. I can enforce rule til people hate me, but things does not work that way. People should be motivated to do stuff on their on accord and not force to.... hais.. I really want to help, but i do not know what to do.. Til the day that band member are proud of their own heritage bah. sighs..

My personality:

View Full MyPersonality.org Profile

This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer novelty versus convention. Approximately 5.5% of respondents have a lower openness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is down-to-earth and prefers things to be simple and straightforwards. You might say that it just makes life easier if things don't change unnecessarily, that the arts are of no practical use to you, and that you think tradition is more important than others do.

This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer an organised, or a flexible, approach in life. Approximately 69.2% of respondents have a lower conscientiousness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who avoids forseeable trouble through purposefully planning, and achieves success through persistence. From your responses it appears that you are reliable and prepared for life's challenges.

This trait refers to the extent to which you enjoy company, and seek excitement and stimulation. Approximately 30.8% of respondents have a lower extraversion raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who prefers low-key social occasions, with a few close friends. You might say that it's not that you are afraid of large parties; they're just not that fun for you.

This trait refers to the way you express your opinions and manage relationships. Approximately 94.5% of respondents have a lower agreeableness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is extremely easy to get along with. Your responses suggest that you would say you are considerate, friendly, generous and helpful and you consider most other people to be thoroughly decent and trustworthy.

Neuroticism (Emotional stability)
This trait refers to the way you cope with, and respond to, life's demands. Approximately 38.2% of respondents have a lower neuroticism raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is calm and emotionally stable. Based on your responses, you come across as someone who is rarely bothered by things, and when they do get you down the feeling does not persist for very long.

ISFJs are characterized above all by their desire to serve others, their 'need to be needed.' In extreme cases, this need is so strong that standard give-and-take relationships are deeply unsatisfying to them. ISFJs are interested in maintaining order and harmony in every aspect of their lives. They are steadfast and meticulous in handling their responsibilities. Although quiet, they are people-oriented and very observant. Not only do they remember details about others, but they observe and respect others' feelings. Friends and family are likely to describe them as thoughtful and trustworthy.

This super accurate about me. o.o I am supposed to be good in bilogical sciences and accounting. xDD

Sunday, March 08, 2009 . 8:06 PM

Results were utterly disappointing. But a least i didn't fail all my subjects, only one. And amaths was on the verge of passing. (: But who cares, i didn't study and this is my retribution. Like what Ms Zhang says, i am the at the bottom of the class, dian di one, but i will work very hard and top unlike those who were expected to top but didn't. (: She say i have high EQ to make up for my low IQ(term my XXX XX) (; Quite hard though x.x I should start working hard now. i want to make my mark and not be the stupidest in class time and time again. haha. Hard to work hard and be clever when everyone is looking down on you (= Sighs... This time i will really work hard, I am gonna go 'in your face" to whoever been looking down on me. 君子报仇十年不晚. o.o
I am going crazy. (: Lalala. March holiday is coming, time of me to mug le. I wan my As, especially in my languages.

No. i like the fact that we can go home early during ct
@ Keng Ning & Ying Xiang
I no children hor. o.o adopt as pet can xD
ok. linked(:
ps. i tot u knew
Shes my pet

Before i go: 巫婆请不要把我变成猪!! (x

Thursday, February 26, 2009 . 8:00 PM

I actually liked common test for once in my whole life. (:I get to go home early,eat, then sleep, study,eat, study and sleep. I feel like a pig. (Linqi i know oyu will be very happy seeing me post this comment) Life was actually enjoyable, didnt have to worry about doing homework. the teachers were all so very nice to let us hand in the homework after common test. Every day just revise can le. Hahahas. Too late over le. Must work hard for the next common test in june, prelims in august and o levels in oct. (: Got back 3 results so far. 17/30 for english, 21/25 for geography and 21/25 for social studies. (: I am quite delighted with my results so far. But i am extremely dissatisfied with my freaking lousy English results. It a C5. Even i get all A1 except for hmt, i will get 10 points for my L1R5.. Grrr. Bleh. But i overall i think i didnt do quite badly though. Physics was easy and passable for the 1st time in my life, but amaths is still atrociously done. Sure fail de. My trigo was horrible but my geometry was ok, i did all the question on geometry. Oh crap. tuition doesnt seem to have any use. :( Ahh.. must work hard.. I want 9A1s. wakakaka. (:

Saturday, February 21, 2009 . 10:54 PM


Saturday, January 24, 2009 . 5:36 PM

Thing are always missed the most when they are over. Like band comp training, we complained it was tough but when it was over we wanted it back. Then there was the nco camp. the one week camp was tough and it ended as soon as it came. Then now YEAH! functions has ended. No more meeting until 6.30. sighs i miss yeah now, i miss nco and i miss band comp training. D= My wonderful secondary school life is coming to an end now. I think i will sorely miss everything i had. sighs.. Good things always must come to an end. ):

To all my taggers: tagreplied

Wednesday, January 07, 2009 . 8:48 PM

SPF concert! xD

Saturday, January 03, 2009 . 12:14 AM

HAHA! my poster! join band now!! xDD

Monday, December 29, 2008 . 9:25 PM

Had band today. It was fun~ We played bring me to life(omg the rhythm is like crap. i am super lost. hahas xD), shout out march, under the glory of the flag, land of thousand dances(a very nice song =D), gonna fly now, school song and the national anthem. OMG homework, mountain and mountain of hmk.

Sunday, December 28, 2008 . 4:55 PM

CF: Hihi! tagged! =D linked u too =)
ok. HELLO. Linked you too. :D
kiya: i wanna march back............................
ok i know.
Elysia: oh! your till 5? mine till 4. i am not going. are you?
nope. band is so late le. by the time reach will be quite late le.
JOEY!: Heyyy, so which date is to MEET UP? Heehee. I'm EXCITED! (:
29 and 31 DEC. i cant make it though. sad :(
kiya: i want to march back..................
sieyuan: haha not many ppl noe. so... ya.. haha
ok hahas =D

Friday, December 26, 2008 . 6:31 PM

One small step on my homework mountain~


sieyuan: dunno got double s ornot. -.-
sieyuan: haha hai hao lah. mama got car. lolol. canossa convent. i forgot how to spell LOL
OH hahas. I also dunno what scool is this . psps xD
hengjie: hi this is heng jie from westwood.dont noe if u have any idea...but i saw that u seems like watching alot of taiwan drama yeah??u like to watch dramas too???
HELLO! Yea, i not sure of who you are. But cya soon okay. hmmm YEAH, i watched alot. I think i like to watch.(:
junwei: haha, yx so hyper, sent so many ppl, thx 4 ur msg. merry christmas once again!
Hahas! Thanks. Merry X'mas to you too. And a happy new year in advance and a happy boxing day to you.

Thursday, December 25, 2008 . 11:41 AM

Had nice X'mas celebration yesterday. :D

SENT: 123
ASKED WHO AM I : 10(OR 9?0)
p.s i spelt christmas wrongly. thanks to spohia who pointed it out
BTW, Have a very MERRY X'MAS and a advnace happy new year! xD

Merry X'mas too!
kiya: i think]
kiya: oh no wonder i went back and ... different ppl..including the jap stall leh..
HAHA! okay (:
Qiuwen: BOO finished ep 7 HAHA
i finished long time le :D
JOEY!: Ohkayyy, you mean BBQ ahh? What time is it on 31 and 29?
Yea! hahas xD
sieyuan: haha yeaps limin. my pri sch is veh far from here mah. haha
oic. Wah. moved from near serangoon to bp. hahas. ^^
Jiexuan Bomo: HELLO! xD

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 . 12:04 PM


sieyuan: LOLS. th bowen bm is my pri sch fren -.-
EH~ Really ahh~ You mean limin right? hahas. But bowen is so far from bp. haha =)

JOEY.: tagged. ^^
HAHA! Thanks. x)

Orange: Hello, are you happen to be ex-BlueRO player? If yes please contact me at kelvintco[at]hotmail[dot]com. Thanks
Yea. How you know. Your one of the mods right. Hmm. okay i get to you soon.

kiya: haha finally eh... er whats with our school vendors??
They got out bidded by a external vendor.

K'ALLY: Oh, really. i didnt know, a BBQ for DMs only huh
No. The one on te 29th is organised by the bm who kindly invited the dms too.

Ulnaiy: Lol, 'Flying Coaster' isn't scary la! I think 'SpaceShot' is more terrifying... Did you try 'CorkScrew'? That is awesome!
No lor, i think flying coaster is more scary than space shot. Nope. The corkscrew got too much people le. I lazy wait. hahas

Sunday, December 21, 2008 . 12:27 PM

AHH~ Must start mugging soon le. school starts in under 2 weeks time.
Anyway shall blog about the genting trip.

Reached genting at 12pm++. waited for a long time before checking in. Then went for a buffet dinner and went to watch bolt after that. Bolt was super funny. Rhino is a confused hamster!

Spent the whole day in the outdoor theme park. It was freezing. Killed myself with the thrilling rides. The flying coaster(recommended by qw.) and the space shot. Luckily i didnt die of shock. The space shot was super fun hahas~ Flying coaster is super scary. x) Then we played archery where i befriended one of the worker. Drank coffee bean at the end. /: Then Had dinner at the zhi zhar store where we were entertained by the people sining christmas carol. talk about in-house entertainment.

Went down to KL do shop and eat sushi at bukit bintang. Bought a new specs at sungei wang.
Then went back up to genting.

Went back home. Sad. (:

Shall do a quiz as tagged by huimin,qiuwen,junwei and pamela. hahas

Who's the person that tagged you?

Relationship between you and him/her?
Friends/Classmates/Bandmates/Nco mate(select whichever is applicable)

Three impressions of him/her?
funny, emotional, noisy, fun people, clever, quiet. (i dunno lar)

If he/her becomes your enemy , you will?
I dunno~

What will you say to the person you like very much?
Not likely

Characteristic I like about myself?
nothing in particular/ idk

Characteristic I hate about myself?

For the person whom you hate, you say?
Go die lar. zzz

What do people feel about you?
Ask yourself this and tell me.

Your crush?

Pass this to 10 people .
Yain Lu
Zheng Wei
Joey Wong
Chin Boon
Jie Xuan
Hui Ting
(10 Random people on my links)

5 & 7 were together? >Adeline&Jarin<
Not likely
What colour does no 9 & 10 like?>JieXuan&HuiTing<
Hmm. JieXuan=black? Huiting=idk?
Say something about 8>Celestine<

A Funny NCO mate who thinks i am blurr~ which is quite true..
Who is 2?
A senior who attempted to teach me. (:
Talk about 3>ZhengWei<

Crazy spastic person
Who is 10's bestfriend?>HuiTing<
I really dunno
Who's the sexiest among all the 10?>FengYu<

I dun think so, but if i had to choose it will be fengyu. (revenge is sweet. xD)
What colour does no 4 like?>Joey<

Pink?Red?White?Black?I really dunno
Is 4 single?>Joey<

Should be.
You relationship with 1?>FengYu<
Hmm. The retarded person who sits besides me and never fails to irritate who is also my classmate and a friend.

Are 5&6 Best friends?>ChinBoon&Adeline<
Doubt so.
9's surname?>JieXuan<
CHUA Jie Xuan
7's nickname?>Jarin<
Dun think she have any.
Say something to help 9. >JieXuan<
Hello, TanKahKee. Long time no see. Enjoyed taking photos with you.(Statue and person)
Where does 1 live?>FengYu<
10 of them know who you like?
Nope. Doubt so. I am unsure of my own feelings too.
Say something to 6 when you see him/her.>ChinBoon<
AH! CHINBOON~ My 203 friend. You never fail to amuse/entertain me. (: Cya soon
10's spouse?

She's single i guess.

I saw our school vendors on the newspaper. I totally support them. The new vendors are a rip off. ZZZ. Stand with me, my fellow school mate and petition against the new vendors.

Monday, December 15, 2008 . 11:12 PM

YES! am at genting now~shallupdate when i comeback.(this keyboardis crappy, cant space properly, lazy to change).:D

Sunday, December 14, 2008 . 8:16 PM

I shall do some complaining on this post.
@#%#$%#@%. I hate that b*****y spiral staircase. To climb it is tiring already, what more for each band practice, climb 4 floors up and stacks of chairs.This is unpractical. Even though i thank the school for this free workout, but i rather not have it. The choice was to either tire few person, whole band or no air con. The eminent answer was to carry chair. I shall whine some, so if you bear with for a while, while i get use to carry the chairs up and down four levels of the school, through a gravity intense spiral stairs.
Anw, i am super duber screw. I have yet to complete a single homework, or even some revision. I am only left with 2 weeks to complete:
a English comprehension+summary+200words book review+2 physics worksheet that i have yet to decipher+2or4stacks of emaths Ws(i think i lost 2)+1 90plus qns amaths ws+1chinese newspaper cutting+ a 2000words Chinese interview essay+ 2chinese compo to memorise+299Chinese proverbs to memorise+some biology ws+lit project+chem inventor project+ i dunno le...
i am only halfway through some. omg! ahh. sure got diagnostic test which i have not start revising for. thank god geog and ss no hmk. :D (anw i so dun like human geog..) I so regretted taking 9 subjects.. zzz

Thursday, December 11, 2008 . 9:12 PM

When everything is emptied: neat!when everything is put back: untidy. I blame the instrument stands. we cant store it in the practice room since its not a public room.


Had band today, finally got the national anthem part. But it deproved after the break. zzz. Had a chat with the teacher and alumnis during the break, they were giving me and yijie advice. And yep, we seriously must get started on the band rules & regulation for 2009. Then, after lunch we reoragnised the boxes in the band room. It is more or less tidied, i guess, thanks to yijie,xiaoen,wenxi,sweeyee,sophia,sieyuan,siying,weida,eldora,jieni,huiyi,khalid,weilun. plus mehahas.(okay lar, i was slacking in the back band room). but we in the back band room discovered the secret of locked unknown box. it was a weird styled keyboard. >.<

Am super tired now,i had been carrying chairs to and from the 4th floor through the bloody spiral staircase. shall have a early night.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008 . 10:23 PM

YAY! my video


PRAWNS!(i helped washed)
me and shirin


me and a TALL jessie

ugly pic of me and jess and yijie
nicest photo! me and huiyi
Super duber tired. my leg is hurting even more now. sighs. zzz Super suai, injured my feet just a day before the band outing. Thus, i missed the chance to inline skate+cycle. :(
Anw, band outing was yeaterday. Went to the lot one threatre to catch the city of ember with almost the whole band + NCC. But the movie, they screen the video which I made. >.<>
And band was on the day after(today). super tired.(OMG! i forget to get plastic containers again)
We played the school song + national anthem, The school song was okay, i get scared when i see the simple quavers.zz But the national anthem was screwed. the last part i totally balnked out. zzz. Then there is this low note bridging think, i done it so crappy. zzzz hahas. thats all, have some worlk to do. anw the mario and legend of zelda is super duber nice on the eupho. xDD
p.s our concert should be travelling in time. :D
p.s.s i want to play so many songs, but my playing sucks

Sunday, December 07, 2008 . 11:47 PM


WOW!i didnt realised it was a month from pop till Dawn pop me the msg. Thanks a lot! (: anw happy one month to anyone who reads this. shall enjoy the last 10 mins. We shall commemorate this event every month. (: i shall put some random times

Saturday, December 06, 2008 . 12:20 AM

here's a quiz i ripped from Elysia:
01: What's the connection between you & the last person that called you?
Elvina? Yeah council mate.
02: Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
never. it is on 24hours, unless the battery is flat
03: What happened at 10.00am today?
Inside school. Having a meeting with t-shirt supplier and Miss Ding
04: When did you last cry
BAND COMP, 12 April 2008. when we got silver. I will always remember this
05. What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
Plain old bread. preferably toasted with butter and honey.
06. What do you want in your life right now?
Serenity where i can sleep all day
07. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
08. What's your favorite thing to have on your bed?
Anything which is soft and filled with cotton/sponge
09. What bottom are you wearing now?
10. Whats the nicest text in your inbox say?
i am sorry?
11. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
Take it or leave it.
12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
No. why would i do that?
13. What was the last movie you caught?
14. What are you proud of?
I really dunno. My band?
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
(I only got my new no dis year-.-) this whole chunk
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
When You Believe
17. Do you have any nicknames?
No/ I dunno
18. What does your last received text message say?Who was it from?
Pek Jee:" errs. i have to go out with my mother :x sorry :x"
19. What time did you go to bed last night?
20. Are you currently happy?
Yes. i am always happy.
21. Who gives you best advice?
Dunno. Friends?
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
23. Who did you talk on phone last night?
24. Is anything bugging you right now?
does work count? if yes, then its a yes, i am bugged
25. What/Who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
26. Do you wear toe socks?
thats what girls wear
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
28. Have you ever had your heartbroken?
29. What annoys you most in a person?
30. Do you have a crush on anyone?
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
no drugs for me
32. What is the colour of your room?
green and purple?
33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?
i am not in love with money
34. Do you believed in the saying "talk in cheap"?
35. Who was the last person to lay in your bed?
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
never gotten hug befire
37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
haven kiss yet
38. Do you have a life?
No. i should get one. but i am lazy
39. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didn't?
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
i like it
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
i dun really dream
42. Last time you smiled?
43. Have you changed this year?
YES. More stronger in spirit?
44. What are you listening to right now?
45. Are you talking to someone when you doing this?nope.
46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
47. Is there a quote you live by?
48. Do you want someone you can't have?
yes, i guess
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
Yes. my beloved eupho, the rest of the band instrument, piano and recorder during music essons 50. What was the worst idea you've had in week?
to start studying
51. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
eating green bean soup
52. Are you happy with your love life right now?
Not applicable
53. What song describe your love life?
54. Does the person know that you like him/her?
55. Who always make you laughs?
56. Do you speak other language
57. Are you blonde?
Brown, dark
.58. What your middle name?
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
dunno. video?
60. What do you think you are like?
61. Who will you choose to die with?
i am still young
62.Where have you been today?
Bpp, block 9, school
63. What game do you play often?
64. Who are you missing right now?
65. If you've to choose between friend & love, who will you choose?
66. What are you doing right now?
the quiz?!
67. Which primary school are you from?
68. Name 3 colours that you like .
69. what emotion you like to show?
happy. (:
70. What is life to you?
71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
72. Who did you last chat in msn today?
73. Who do you admire the most?
pro, eupho players. :D
74. Which month are you born in?
75. How are you feeling right now?
tired and sleepy
76. What is the time now?
77. Where are you now?
my house?
78. What colour did you use to dye hair?
i dun dye
79. Why are you doing this test?
for fun
80. What do you do when you're moody?
81. At which age you wish to get marry?
when true loves come
82. Who is more important to you? girlfriend or friends?
83. Do you think you have enough confidence?
84. Who is the person you trust the most?
MYSELF. I realised i cant trust anyone else.
85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
i seen a double rainbow during pe lesson and took picture of it
86. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
87. What is your goal for this year?
study hard. more a1
88. Do you believe in eternity love?
89. What feeling do you love most?
happiness when done a good deed
90. Do you really think its Global Warming now?
yes, i guss. geog student here
91. What feeling you hate the most?
92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
93. Do you believe in God?
94. Who cares for you the most?
95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
my future
96.What'll you bring when you fight?
i dun fight. peace lover. if i do get into one, bazzoka
97. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
dunno. nothing?
98. What would you feel that no one no longer cares for you?
alone and emo.
99. What if your stead two-timed you?
break up
100. Who do you miss now ?band.

done. XDD

Friday, December 05, 2008 . 7:50 PM

Had two concerts in a row. first was tanjong katong's on Wednesday(3rd Dec) and Hwa Chong's on Thursday( 4th Dec). Should have gone for the fairfield concert today and call it a marathon. :D

The ticket. (:

The band. x)

This was the first concert i attended. You see, i so good xian my first time to tk. hahas. jkjk. The concert was okay i guess. But it is $30, abit expensive.The price dropped to $10 on the day itself. i feel cheated. zzz

group photo with weida,me,yijie,huimin and chenfang

the nco bms + extra me(kally pulled me in)[ahh, i blinked again]
the group with jiasheng
me and jiasheng

me,jiexuan + yijie
me and jiexuan. (:
group with jiexuan

me and weida
me and huiyi. [:
me and "tall" huimin x)

me and chenfang. (: first time seeing her. nice to meet you/her.
me and pig. -.-(i blinked again)

Finally, me and tankahkee.
The concert was very good. I like pachelbel's cannon. It is a simple yet nice sounding piece. I also seventh night of july. Eupho solo! yay. eupho rocks... :D Yes! Under my crappy persuasion we went to have a photo shoot with tankahkee. (: yay. thanks huiyi. hahas. After the tankahkee photo shoot, we went back to the auditorium to take photo with the hwachong ppl. Which huiyi wanted all along.

Monday, December 01, 2008 . 8:40 PM


The rules & regulations:
1) Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2) People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3) At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged & list their names.
4) No tagging back.

FACT1: I am a loner. i dun socialise much unless people approached me first. hahas

FACT2: I have no life. seriously. hahas. other than band nothing really interest me.

FACT3: I like to shout at people/ignore them if they attempt to do stupid things to me

FACT4: I speak without thinking therefore my sentences are weird and am strightforward in what i am thinking. I would not beat about the bush, rarely.

FACT5: I only hated one person in my whole life. Most people i am neutral abt. nothing below that

FACT6: I really notice what people do.

FACT7: I will remenber stuff people say. I am a good listener. wakaka

FACT8: I like doing stuff in the background without anyone noticing

FACT9: I can only do homework at night, around 10pm. And doing homework while laying down(it does wonders to my eyes)

FACT10: I am a really patient person. i wont get angry whatever you do.

10 PERSONS: huimin, huiyi, qiuwen, adeline, joey wong, pamela, elysia, timotheus, shiyun, celestine. hahas. i dunno who to call. anyhow call. :D

Friday, November 28, 2008 . 3:04 PM

Have this sudden urge to play the following songs:
stars wars
prince of egypt
shall fill the list once i get more urges. Cant wait for band to start so i can raid the library and get the scores. Argh, just rmb, the band library doesnt have these scores. Shall kop from other ppl. :D

Wednesday, November 26, 2008 . 8:34 PM

(more to come)

i was bored so decided to make this random avatars.! tag if u want one hahas

Thursday, November 20, 2008 . 11:15 AM

My beloved instrument.(I love my serial, 120, 99 eupho and 053 marching baritone)
I recently felt in love with wikipedia because of this(click here for original page):
The euphonium is a conical-bore, baritone -voiced brass instrument. It derives its name from the Greek word euphonos, meaning "beautiful-sounding" or "sweet-voiced" (eu means "well" or "good" and phonium means "voice"). The euphonium is a valved instrument; nearly all current models are piston valved, though rotary valved models do exist.A person who plays euphonium is sometimes called a euphoniumist or a euphonist, while British players often colloquially refer to themselves as euphists. Similarly, the instrument itself is sometimes referred to as eupho or euph.
The euphonium is possibly the least popularly-known Western instrument of all,the euphonium and the baritone are two different instruments. However, the two instruments can be interchanged with no problems whatsoever; the baritone has an identical range but a brighter sound. (Sad :( )
But its ancestor instrument, the serpent, doesnt look very apealling?. Luckily, my marching baritone and Euphoniums does not look like that. hahas
But anyways, The euphonium has historically been and largely still is exclusively a band instrument, whether of the wind or brass variety, where it is frequently featured as a solo instrument. Because of this, the euphonium has been called the "king of band instruments", or the "cello of the band", because of its similarity in timbre and ensemble role to the stringed instrument. Euphoniums typically have extremely important parts in many marches and in brass band music of the British tradition.
wakaka. i am not starting a mass hatred disscussion. If u want anything to blame, blame wiki for letting me see this. hahas
(the above extract is from wikipedia, picture is from google.)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 . 7:50 PM

byebye air rifle range. gonna miss the time where we had practise where it floods, where rained water was sprayed inisde when it rains, the time where i had my first taste of conducting the band. sighs. memories of here shall be kept~

this is the new school. it looks damm cool. lar. we were wowing when we first arrived. As usual we were reminded of our very long school name. (wahsia v hard to say in one breathe)

The new guard post. This must be the best looking guard house in all schools. xDD

A mini tour of the new school. Top left is the building that was beside the bettany home. Top right is the new assembling ground( i guess with the flag poles and such), its where the courtyard used to be. Bottom two is some random building which i took along the way which i cant remenber where. :D

And finally....
TaDa. band room:

I like the tag which says military band. it looks new and cool. xDD We make this the nicest CCA room ever. Notice board would be out there somewhere. So prepare for a lot of hard work publicity. (sorry alvina). The symbolic eagle will be out too!

A picture of us at the room. I am missing cus i went to take photo for them..

The rest of theinstruments. Trombones were the messiest. Clarinet, flutes and library stuff werent unpacked, we dint have enough space. Anw we no longer have the 2nd loor storage room, instead we have a undersized room for percussion instruments and the other logistic stuff, which i am going to explore once i am free, most probaly on sec1 practice dates. :D but the room very cramm. gaa and its pitch black without the lights. Very suitable for a detention room. hahas. lazy to post liao lar. u see..